Prawns cooked

14th Jun 2023

Prawns cooked

  • Cook By: Eduard Xatruch. Restaurant Compartir
  • Theme: Seafood dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: prawns
  • Serving Size: 4

For the thyme and rosemary infusion


  • 10 g Dried thyme
  • 5 g Dried rosemary
  • 500 g Water
  • 10 g Salt


  1. Bring the salted water to a boil.
  2. Remove from heat, add thyme and rosemary, and let steep for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain and set aside.

For the thyme and rosemary oil


  • 100 g Extra virgin olive oil
  • 5 g Fesh thyme
  • 3 g Fresh rosemary


  1. Mix oil with the fresh thyme and rosemary.
  2. Seal in a sous-vide bag and cook for 3 hours at 64ºC.
  3. Strain and set aside.

For the prawns


  • 16 ea Large prawns (each 50g)
  • 16 ea Skewers (20cm long each)


  1. Peel the tail of the prawns, leaving the last ring intact.
  2. With a shellfish knife, remove the intestine without breaking the flesh.
  3. Insert a skewer into each prawn, starting at the tip of the tail and coming out at the head, so that each prawn is perfectly straight.
  4. Refrigerate.



  • 20 g Gluten free Soy Sauce
  • 16 Fresh rosemary flowers


  1. Bring the thyme and rosemary infusion to a boil in a saucepan of at least 15 cm high.
  2. Boil the prawns, introducing the heads in the water for 30 seconds, and then briefly scald the tail. The goal is to have the head cooked but the meat of the tail to remain raw and hot.
  3. Remove the skewers from the prawns with care, making sure not to break and arrange the prawns on a plate.
  4. Dress each prawn with a few drops of thyme and rosemary oil, place a fresh rosemary flower on each of them, and then on top spray Soy Sauce(GanJang) to finish.