
14th Jun 2023


  • Cook By: Eduard Xatruch. Restaurant Compartir
  • Theme: Seafood dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: monkfish
  • Serving Size: 4

For the monkfish


  • 4 ea Monkfish tails (each 250 g)


  1. Peel the monkfish and carefully remove its fibrous membrane.
  2. Refrigerate the clean tails whole.

For the garlic and ginger oil


  • 25 g Fresh ginger
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 100 g Sunflower oil


  1. Peel and chop the ginger and garlic.
  2. Mix the garlic and ginger with the oil and cook at 60ºC for two hours.
  3. Cool down at room temperature, strain, and set aside

For the vegetable salad


  • 10 g Dehydrated wakame algae
  • 20 g Dehydrated tree-ear mushrooms
  • 2 ea Baby zucchini
  • 1 ea Green onion
  • 24 ea Soybean sprout
  • 12 leaf Large leaves of fresh basil


  1. Place the algae and mushrooms separately with cold water in the refrigerator for 24 hours to hydrate.
  2. Cut the ends of the baby zucchini. Using a mandolin, make fine slices of 0.1 cm thickness.
  3. Peel and slice the green onion into fine slices using a mandolin. Cover these with cold water.
  4. Remove the roots of the soybean sprouts and refrigerate.
  5. Select the basil leaves and separately store them in the refrigerator.

For the Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce vinaigrette


  • 60 g Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce
  • 50 g Garlic and ginger oil (see above)


  1. Bring Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce to a boil, remove from heat, and cut with garlic and ginger oil.
  2. Set aside.



  • 50 g Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce
  • Salt
  • Virgin olive oil


  1. Drain all the vegetables from the water using paper towels.
  2. Cut each monkfish tail into 3 pieces, salt to taste, and pan-fry with a dash of oil until the monkfish is golden and juicy. Season with Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce and cook for another minute. Remove from heat.
  3. In a saucepan, mix the tree-ear mushrooms, wakame algae, slices of baby zucchini and bean sprouts. Add a little bit of Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce, heat, remove from the flame and then add the green onion slices.
  4. On a heated plate, arrange the three pieces of monkfish as shown in the photograph above. Distribute the salad over the monkfish, and place a basil leaf on top.
  5. Finish by dressing the plate with a dash of Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce vinaigrette.