Sardines marinated in jang

14th Jun 2023

Sardines marinated in jang

    • Cook By: Eduard Xatruch. Restaurant Compartir
    • Theme: Seafood dishes Influencer
    • Main Ingredients: sardine
    • Serving Size: 4

    For the marinated sardines


    • 8 ea Sardines (each 40g)
    • 50 g Gulten free Vinaigrette
    • 75 g White wine vinegar
    • 10 g Salt
    • 175 g Water
    • 100 g Extra virgin olive oil


    1. Remove the scales and filet the sardines.
    2. In a bowl, mix vinegar, salt and water.
    3. Marinate the sardine filets in this mixture for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
    4. Drain, add Gluten free Vinaigrette, and let marinate for an additional 15 minutes.
    5. Remove the marinated sardine filets, drain, cover with extra virgin olive oil, and set aside in the refrigerator.

    For the almond cream


    • 150 g Chopped raw almond
    • 175 g Water
    • 0.1 g Xantan gum
    • Salt


    1. Add the water to the chopped almonds and blend with a hand blender.
    2. Let sit in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    3. Pulse in a blender until a fine cream is reached. Strain through a cheesecloth to obtain fine and creamy almond milk.
    4. Add the xanthan gum and blend until no lumps remain.
    5. Add salt to taste and set aside in the refrigerator.

    For the black truffle oil


    • 15 g Black Périgord truffle
    • 50 g Corn oil


    1. Crush the truffle with oil in a blender.
    2. Pour this mixture into a sous-vide bag, and cook in a Roner at 55 ºC for 2 hours.
    3. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and then pour into a sauce dispenser.
    4. Set aside in the refrigerator. 

    For the basil oil


    • 25 g Fresh basil leaves
    • 50 g Virgin olive oil


    1. Blanch the basil leaves for 3 seconds in boiling water.
    2. Drain and cool the leaves in ice water.
    3. Blend the scalded basil with oil.
    4. Strain and store in a sauce dispenser.

    For the fried almonds and fried pine nuts


    • 16 ea Almonds
    • 16 ea Pine nuts
    • 75 g Sunflower oil
    • Salt


    1. Fry the almonds and pine nuts starting from in a cold pan.
    2. When they begin to brown, remove and dry off the excess oil over paper towels.
    3. Add salt to taste and set aside at room temperature.

    For the cherry tomatoes


    • 16 ea Cherry tomatoes


    1. Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 5 seconds.
    2. Drain, cool down in iced water, and peel.
    3. Set aside in the refrigerator.



    • 20 g Gluten free Vinaigrette
    • 15 g Arbequina Caviaroli
    • 16 leaf Fresh basil
    • Salt


    1. Drain the marinated sardine filets from oil and arrange four of them in each plate at a slight diagonal.
    2. Dress the bottom of the plate with almond cream, and drizzle the black truffle oil over.
    3. Distribute 4 tomatoes between the sardine filets, and dress of them with basil oil and a pinch of salt.
    4. Salt the sardine filets and dress them with 3 drops of Gluten free Vinaigrette.
    5. Place one fried almond and one fried pine nut on each sardine filet. Also put a bit of Caviaroli on each of them.
    6. Finish by placing a basil leaf at each side of the tomatoes.