Spicy Ragu Pasta

13th Jun 2023

Spicy Ragu Pasta

  • Cook By: Sempio
  • Theme: Meat dishes
  • Main Ingredients: Spaghetti, ground beef
  • Serving Size: 2

Spicy Ragu Pasta



  • 1Cook spaghetti following package instructions. Drain and reserve ¼ cup of the pasta cooking water.
  • 2In a pan over medium heat, add olive oil and onion, stir-fry for 3 mins.
  • 3Add ground beef and Sempio Gluten-free Gochujang, stir-fry for 5 mins over low heat.
  • 4Add the cooked spaghetti and the reserved pasta water; stir well and serve. Garnish with thyme leaves.

 TIP:  You can also enjoy the Gochujang ragu sauce over cooked rice or bread

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