Foie mi-cuit, bread and pomegranate

13th Jun 2023

Foie mi-cuit, bread and pomegranate

  • Cook By: Fundació Alicia/ Restaurant Les Cols
  • Theme: Meat dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: Foie Mi-Cuit
  • Serving Size: 8

For the Foie Mi-Cuit



  1. Leave the foie at room temperature for two hours before proceeding with this recipe.
  2. Remove the veins and marinate the foie in a container with a mixture of Madeira wine, salt, pepper, and Soybean Paste(DoenJang).
  3. After marinating, fill in a pudding or terrine mold with the foie, pressing it well so that no empty spaces remain.
  4. Place the mold in a water bath and bake it in the oven for 40 minutes at 90ºC.
  5. Once cooked, take the mold out of the oven and remove any excess duck fat.
  6. Let the terrine rest in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours before removing it from the mould.

For the pomegranate vinegar reduction



  1. In a saucepan over low heat, simmer Sempio Pomegranate Brown Rice Vinegar until the texture thickens considerably. It should reach the density of a thick syrup. Allow to cool and set aside until serving.



  1. On a toasted slice of whole-grain bread, serve a portion of 1 cm of foie mi-cuit.
  2. Dress the foie with a teaspoon of Sempio pomegranate brown rice vinegar reduction and scatter a few pomegranate seeds.

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