Onion soup

13th Jun 2023

Onion soup

  • Cook By: Sempio
  • Theme: Meat dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: onion
  • Serving Size: 4

For the onion soup


  • 400 g Sweet onions
  • 60 g Extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 L Water
  • 20 g Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce
  • Salt


1. Peel the onions and cut into rings of approximately 1-cm thick.

2. Add a dash of olive oil to the onions, and grill them on a charcoal grill until they are cooked through.

3. Place the grilled onions in a pot, cover with water, and allow to simmer over low heat for two hours.

4. Clean the impurities, spooning off the foam that appears on the surface of the soup while cooking.

5. Strain the soup, adjust salt to taste, add the Gluten free Stir-fry Sauce, and then mix well and set aside for serving.

For the creamed green onions


  • 300 g Milk cream
  • 12 ea Green onions (each 30g)
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


1. In a saucepan over low heat, simmer the peeled green onions in cream for about 20 minutes, until the onions are tender and the cream has thickened.

2. Add salt and pepper to taste.



  • 20 g Breadcrumbs


1. Cut the green onions in half and sauté in a frying pan or a griddle with a dash of olive oil. Once they begin to brown, add them into a saucepan with the onion soup. Cook for 15 minutes and serve with a teaspoon of the aromatized cream.

2. Finish off the presentation with the breadcrumbs previously toasted in the oven or a kitchen salamander.