Cauliflower Gratin

13th Jun 2023

Cauliflower Gratin

  • Cook By: Fundació Alicia/.Restaurante Les Cols
  • Theme: Meat dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: cauliflower, cheese
  • Serving Size: 4

Cauliflower gratin


  • 1 kg Cauliflower
  • Water
  • Salt


1. Cut the cauliflower into small florets, removing the bottom of the thick stems. In a pot with boiling water, add a pinch of salt,then boil the cauliflower florets for 5-6 minutes or until they are tender.

2. Remove from the water and allow to cool at room temperature.

For the béchamel


  • 500 ml Milk
  • 0.5 g Nutmeg
  • 1 g Salt
  • 1 g White pepper
  • 10 g Yondu, Light
  • 5 g Kuzu starch


1. In a saucepan over low heat, bring 450 ml of milk to boil with a pinch of salt, white pepper, and grated nutmeg.

2. Meanwhile in a separate bowl, dissolve the kuzu starch in the remaining 50 ml of cold milk.

3. Once the milk starts to boil, remove from heat and add the mixture of milk and kuzu.

4. On low heat, thicken the milk by constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula.

5. Once the milk has thickened and its texture become similar to béchamel, add the Yondu, Light(Jang Sauce), and stir well until it gets fully blended with the béchamel. Strain and set aside.



  • 80 g Cured sheep’s-milk cheese


1. Spread well-drained cauliflower florets on a baking tray and cover them with the béchamel.

2. Sprinkle the grated sheep’s-milk cheese on top and place in the oven to gratin at 180ºC for approximately 10-12 minutes, until the top gets browned.

TIP:  Toasted bread cubes can be used instead of “Tortell d’Olot”.

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