
14th Jun 2023


  • Cook By: Fundació Alicia/Restaurant Les Cols
  • Theme: Vegetarian dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: pepper, onion, carrot, mushroom
  • Serving Size: per jar

Jang-Ah-Ji (Green Chili Peppers)


  • 200 g Green chili peppers
  • 250 ml Water
  • 250 ml Gluten free Vinaigrette


  1. In a saucepan bring the water and Gluten free Vinaigrette to boil.
  2. Once the mixture starts boiling, remove from heat and pour into a jar with the peppers and close the jar.
  3. Allow to rest for at least 24 hours.

Jang-Ah-Ji (Green onions)


  • 550 g Green onions
  • 250 ml Water
  • 250 ml Gluten free Vinaigrette


  1. In a saucepan, bring the water and Gluten free Vinaigrette to a boil. Once the mixture starts boiling, remove from heat and pour into the jar containing the peeled green onions.
  2. Cover the onions with the mixture and close the jar. Allow to rest at least 48 hours before using.

Jang-Ah-Ji (Baby Carrots)


  • 30 g Baby carrots
  • 250 ml Water
  • 250 ml Gluten free Vinaigrette


  1. In a saucepan, bring the water and Gluten free Vinaigrette to a boil then remove from heat and pour into a jar with the clean baby carrots.
  2. Cover the carrots with the liquid and close the jar. Allow to rest for at least 48 hours before using.

Jang-Ah-Ji ( Mushrooms)


  • 250 ml Water
  • 250 ml Gluten free Vinaigrette
  • 200 g Mushrooms


  1. In a saucepan, bring the water and Gluten free Vinaigrette to a boil. Once the mixture starts boiling, remove from heat and pour into a jar with whole, clean mushrooms.
  2. Cover the mushrooms with the liquid and close the jar. Allow to rest for at least 24 hours before using.