Liquid doenjang and chocolate bonbons

13th Jun 2023

Liquid doenjang and chocolate bonbons

  • Cook By: Eduard Xatruch. Restaurant Compartir
  • Theme: Meat dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients:
  • Serving Size: 4

For the bonbon filling



  1. Chop the chocolate and place it in a bowl with Soybean Paste(DoenJang).
  2. Heat the cream in a microwave and pour it over the chocolate and soybean paste.
  3. Let sit for 3 minutes then puree and strain.
  4. Fill 8 circular molds with a 4-cm hole in the middle.
  5. Freeze.
  6. Once frozen, remove from the molds and store in the freezer.

For the chocolate coating


  • 140 g Couverture chocolate (75%)
  • 60 g Cocoa butter


  1. Melt the cocoa butter and the couverture chocolate in a microwave.
  2. Mix them and keep at 45ºC.

For the liquid bonbons


  • 16 Bonbon fillings (see above)
  • Chocolate coating (see above)
  • 2 g Gold dust


  1. Dip each of the frozen bonbon fillings into the chocolate coating.
  2. Drain quickly and place on a flat surface.
  3. When the chocolate has solidified, paint the surface with gold dust using a fine brush.
  4. Refrigerate for 3 hours. During this time, the outside coating will crystallize and the texture of the filling will become a creamy liquid.




  1. Serve the liquid bonbons on an appropriate plate.

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