Vegetable medley

13th Jun 2023

Vegetable medley

  • Cook By: Eduard Xatruch. Restaurant Compartir
  • Theme: Meat dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: ham, vegetable
  • Serving Size: 4

For the Iberian ham broth



  1. Blanch the trimmed bones.
  2. Once blanched, add them to the water with Yondu, Light(Jang Sauce).
  3. Cook over a low flame for 2 hours, removing any foam that rises to the surface
  4. Strain through a cheesecloth, degrease, and store in the refrigerator.

For the vegetable medley juice



  1. Peel and chop the onion.
  2. Add Seasoned Soybean Paste(Ssamjang) and a bit of oil to the onions and sauté for 1 minute.
  3. Add the ham broth and cook for 15 minutes, adding salt to taste if necessary.
  4. Set aside in the refrigerator.

For the blanched vegetables


  • Salt
  • Water
  • 8 ea Cauliflower florets
  • 4 ea Green onions
  • 12 ea Tender green beans
  • 2 ea Artichokes
  • 4 ea Baby zucchini
  • 4 stalk Green garlic
  • 2 ea Carrots
  • 16 ea Wild asparagus
  • 8 ea Green asparagus


  1. Peel and cut the green asparagus in half.
  2. Remove the woody part of the wild asparagus and cut each one in two.
  3. Peel and turn the carrots.
  4. Peel the green garlic.
  5. Cut each baby zucchini in 4 lengthwise slices.
  6. Clean the artichokes and cut each one into 4 wedges.
  7. Remove the threads from the beans and cut each one into 3 pieces in a slight diagonal shape.
  8. Blanch all the vegetables separately in salted water and cool down in salted ice water.
  9. Drain and store in the refrigerator.

For the papillots


  • 4 piece Carta Fata paper (40 x 30 cm each)
  • Blanched vegetables (see above)
  • Vegetable medley juice (see above)


  1. Distribute the vegetables among 4 papers.
  2. Add 75 g of medley juice to each of them and close the papillots.

For the herbs and flowers


  • 4 stalk Fennel
  • 4 ea Begonia flowers
  • 8 ea sprouts of crystalline iceplant
  • 12 leaf Fresh basil
  • 12 leaf Fresh mint


  1. Select all the herbs and flowers and distribute into 4 groups.



  • 120 g Slices of Iberian ham


  1. Heat the papillots in a dry pan over a medium flame.
  2. Arrange the slices of Iberian ham on a plate and the herbs and flowers in individual bowls.
  3. Allow the papillots to boil for 1 minute.
  4. Serve the papillot by opening it with scissors. Finish adding the fresh herbs and flowers, and the slices of Iberian ham that will be placed with tweezers.