Wild mushroom salad

14th Jun 2023

Wild mushroom salad

  • Cook By: Fundació Allicia/Restaurante Les Cols
  • Theme: Vegetarian dishes Influencer
  • Main Ingredients: mushroom, vegetable
  • Serving Size: 4

For the salad


  • 10 ml Emulsified mushroom juice
  • 2 g Freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 g Salt
  • 30 g Gluten free Soy Sauce
  • 20 leaf Curly endive
  • 12 g Toasted pine-nuts
  • 20 g Anise bread (Tortell d’Olot)
  • 35 g Extra-virgin olive oil
  • 200 g Small saffron milk cap mushrooms


  1. Carefully wash the mushrooms in cold water and towel dry.
  2. In a frying pan with olive oil, sauté the mushrooms over a high flame until they are well browned, and then add salt, pepper, and Soy Sauce(GanJang).
  3. Sauté for a minute until the mushrooms are well-coated then set aside.

For the mushroom emulsion


  • 30 g Gluten free Soy Sauce
  • 50 g Glycerin
  • 45g Extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 g Xanthan gum
  • 100 g Saffron milk cap mushrooms


  1. In a frying pan with olive oil, cook the mushrooms for 10-12 minutes over low heat until they are tender.
  2. Add the Soy Sauce(GanJang) and let cook for another 5 minutes until the mushrooms absorb the aroma of the sauce and release their juice. Strain the mushrooms and keep the resulting liquid. The mushrooms themselves may be used for another dish.
  3. Mix the confit juice with xanthan gum and separate 10 ml of it for the final presentation. Mix the remaining juice with glycerin to obtain a cream that has the texture of mayonnaise.



  1. On a presentation plate place one spoonful of mushroom emulsion.
  2. On top of it arrange the sautéed mushrooms and dress with the mushroom juice.
  3. Present the preparation with some very clean curly endive leaves, toasted pine-nuts and the Tortell d’Olot cut into small cubes.